硅芯管|集束管|电缆保护管——华龙光通信技术有限公司 - 电力管材系列


类别:C-PVC电力电缆保护管 →


MPP power cable protection tube for Trenchless Pipeline Construction, the new hope feed pipe manufacturing special formula and technique, has the advantages of high strength, good heat resistance, wear, easy cable construction is convenient, cost saving etc.. As a pipe jacking construction more prominent product performance, it meets the requirements of modern urban development, suitable for deep buried in the range of 2 meters. The modified MPP power cable protection tube satisfies the trenchless technology construction condition, which not only ensures the reliability of the pipe network, but also reduces the failure rate of the pipe network, and meanwhile, the city appearance environment has been greatly improved.
MPP电力电缆保护管优点: 具有优良的电气绝缘性、具有较高的热变形温度和低温冲击性能、抗拉、抗压性能比HDPE的高、质轻、光滑、摩擦阻力小、可热熔焊对接、长期使用温度-5~70C。
The advantages of MPP power cable protection pipe has excellent electrical insulation, high heat deformation temperature and low temperature impact toughness, tensile and compressive properties of high HDPE, lightweight, smooth, low friction and heat welding butt, long-term use temperature of -5~70C.